Saturday, November 11, 2017


Meg almost forgot that she'd had to take a shower...when Harm suggested that they have a little private time together. Oh, she was more than willing to have that bit of time, not to mention that feeling clean and fresh was more than enough enticement.

...and she more than forgot about her fatigue...

Tiberium had more than paid for the upgraded improvements to the home. And frankly...they could potentially put in another floor, if they knew what to do with it. They had a bar and a get-together area above the garage/gym and the place was fitting just right with them.

Breakfast during the weekday was a rushed affair with just about half the occupants of the house having to high-tail it out the door in the morning. It made for a frenetic pace when one had to get ready for work, then eat while the honking carpool waited on them to finish. Weekdays were stress.

Harm ran down to the Science Research Center to hand in a crocodile that he'd caught in the backyard pond. Luckily no-one had been mauled by the toothy monsters and the salties tended to bring in a decent chunk of simoleons.

Phil read his gardening skill book, while Meg read her Logic skill book which she needed for getting a promotion in her law-enforcement career.

When Phil was finished reading his gardening book, he tried to talk to Liandra who pretty much looked so bored that she almost fell asleep on her feet.

So much for any possible relationship from that direction.

Poor Phil.

Harm on the other hand raided the fridge for something eat after jogging to the Science Research Center and back.

Well, afternoon brought sunset and the sky turned a nice orange the sun slipped towards the horizon.

Meg and Phil returned to attempting to comprehend their respective skill-books, while Keeter was killing his muscles in his legs reading while standing up.

Keeter came home eventually...going right back to reading when he got home.

Sturgis earned his brown belt in Sim Fu

So...Tosh decided that Sturgis and he should have a sparring match.

Sturgis was definitely good at Sim Fu.

"Good work, Lieutenant Commander Turner." Tosh stated. "You've been practicing hard..." Tosh knew that Sturgis had been going into the gym to practice every single day, when he was not working in the military and it showed. His progress was slower than Tosh's but frankly it was only because Tosh was able to utilize the gym when he chose unlike Sturgis with his tight work schedule.

It appeared that the family wasn't doing much, but they were busy with their skill-building exercises and that proved to be quite of effort. Hours slipped by with their noses either in books or training or just generally doing the things that would increase their abilities and make them more efficient at earning simoleons.

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